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Roar,o________________o (: I_vote_lcapRoar,o________________o (: I_voting_barRoar,o________________o (: I_vote_rcap 
Eternal Vow
Roar,o________________o (: I_vote_lcapRoar,o________________o (: I_voting_barRoar,o________________o (: I_vote_rcap 
Roar,o________________o (: I_vote_lcapRoar,o________________o (: I_voting_barRoar,o________________o (: I_vote_rcap 
Roar,o________________o (: I_vote_lcapRoar,o________________o (: I_voting_barRoar,o________________o (: I_vote_rcap 
Roar,o________________o (: I_vote_lcapRoar,o________________o (: I_voting_barRoar,o________________o (: I_vote_rcap 
Roar,o________________o (: I_vote_lcapRoar,o________________o (: I_voting_barRoar,o________________o (: I_vote_rcap 
Roar,o________________o (: I_vote_lcapRoar,o________________o (: I_voting_barRoar,o________________o (: I_vote_rcap 
Roar,o________________o (: I_vote_lcapRoar,o________________o (: I_voting_barRoar,o________________o (: I_vote_rcap 
Roar,o________________o (: I_vote_lcapRoar,o________________o (: I_voting_barRoar,o________________o (: I_vote_rcap 
Roar,o________________o (: I_vote_lcapRoar,o________________o (: I_voting_barRoar,o________________o (: I_vote_rcap 


 Roar,o________________o (:

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Posts : 2
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Join date : 2009-04-12

Roar,o________________o (: Empty
PostSubject: Roar,o________________o (:   Roar,o________________o (: I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 12, 2009 10:57 am

My name is Katie. Oh holy golly jeebus me. I am usually very quiet, but when I do open my mouth, I tend to have a very corrosive way of speaking. My arms constantly have goosebumps on them. I seem to always get away with things. :3 I know that I have it way too easy. The extent of my exercise is walking around my high school every day, but other than that I'm pretty much against any form of physical activity. I'm lazyyyyy. I like to be comfortable. Speaking properly is just common sense. I don't quite understand why anybody would want to make up their own versions of words and make it more difficult to decipher what they're saying. I s'pose it's for people who like to challenge themselves. I wish I had an English accent. My friends make fun of me because I say "thrice" (once, twice, thrice), and because I get really close to my paper when I write. I love to sneeze, and I think that getting tickled is painful. D: My favorite kind of days are stormy, and I love to stay in while it's raining to read or watch movies -dork- Yeahhh, um. I just completely lost my concentration. Sooooo...
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Roar,o________________o (:
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